Workshops for a first-time job seeker

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Job Seeker Success Story

Key Facts

  • Name: Natasha
  • Goal: Find a job as an Administrative Assistant
  • Challenge: Lack of experience and confidence
  • Support offered: Youth Job connection (YJC) Program including paid workshops, one-on-one resume help and personal supports

Key Figures

  • 40 hours pre-employment training
  • 5 weeks from initial contact to first job offer


“The most life changing part was the confidence I gained in my own ability and experience. I now 100% believe what I tell my interviewers, and so do they.”
– Natasha, former job seeker



At 20 years old, Natasha had successfully completed high school but was having trouble finding work. With no previous work experience, she was not confident about how to present herself in interviews and was finding it difficult to get her foot in the door.

After hearing about VPI from her sister, Natasha contacted us to set up an assessment. After the meeting with one of our expert Job Placement Specialists, Natasha was placed in the Youth Job Connection (YJC) program. YJC is a government-funded program designed to help youth age 15-29 overcome barriers to employment and prepare to take their first steps into the working world. The program includes paid pre-employment workshops, one-on-one support, and financial supports, depending on need.

As a YJC participant, Natasha completed a series of paid workshops to help her prepare for her job search. We helped her de-emphasize her lack of previous work experience with “Resume Building”. We helped her build her confidence by giving her a better sense of what to expect in the workplace with “Workplace Communication”. Because her career goal is to work as an Administrative Assistant, we helped her prepare for dealing with customers with “Customer Service Excellence”.

Shortly after completing the YJC program Natasha was able to put her new skills and confidence to the test. We scheduled some working interviews for her with employers who matched her interests. One of these working interviews was a success. Just 5 weeks after her initial appointment with VPI, Natasha received (and accepted) her first job offer!

Although Natasha’s first job did not end up as a permanent position, it gave her valuable experience and allowed her to transition into her current position–more in line with her long-term career goals.


Issue Solution
Lack of confidence over limited previous work experience Workshops to help build confidence and set realistic expectations
Difficulty landing an interview
  • Help preparing a resume
  • Setting up working interviews with suitable employers

For more information on how we can help you with your job search, contact us today.
