New government incentive to help youth find sustained employment

posted in: Job Seekers, Students, Youth | 0

As part of an ongoing plan to build a stronger workforce and develop young talent, the Ontario government has announced a new initiative to help youth find and retain meaningful employment. The Employing Youth Talent Incentive (EYTI) is designed to encourage employers to hire youth aged 15-29 and retain them for at least 6 months.

Employers who hire eligible youth will receive an initial $1,000 incentive and a second $1,000 for retaining that employee for 6 months. The incentive is also more accessible for small businesses.

Although the new incentive applies directly to employers, its effect will be felt by youth. By emphasizing longer term employment at smaller businesses, youth will be able to become more invested and involved and will gain valuable experience that they may not have otherwise had.

The new incentive applies to youth who have been helped as part of the Employment Service or Youth Job Connection programs. It came into effect on January 1, 2018 and is currently offered through VPI.

In addition to EYTI, we also offer a range of programs and services to help youth and job seekers of any age find meaningful work. To find out how we can help you with your job search, contact us today.

Further Reading:

EYTI Press release
