Employer Success Story
Employer: 2GalsProPainting
Industry: Residential and commercial painting
Goal: Reach more potential candidates; make hires
Challenge: Difficulty finding candidates who fit
Focus of support: Job postings, access to pool of candidates, employment subsidies
Outcomes: Candidate hired; employer satisfaction
“VPI is our go to for solutions that work for us!…They are always there if you need that extra help.”
– Kim, 2GalsProPainting
2GalsProPainting is a local business in the Hamilton-Niagara region. They specialize in residential and commercial painting. As a growing business, they needed to grow their team, but faced challenges with sourcing qualified, reliable candidates who were the right fit for their organization.
They had dealt with other service providers in the past but were not satisfied with the results. They got in contact with VPI to see how we could help them hire a new painter.
To help get a sense of what they were looking for, our employment experts met with the 2GalsProPainting team. After meeting, they came up with a plan that included posting the opportunity and sourcing candidates from our pool of talented job seekers.
One of the candidates brought forward had the right qualifications and was also the right fit. The 2GalsProPainting team made a hire who they were so pleased with that they promoted her to Project Manager less than 3 months later.
For more information on how we can help you with your hiring needs, contact us today.