New OSAP changes for students in 2017

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New changes are coming to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP). If you or someone you know is planning on attending school in the fall, these updates have important information for you.

OSAP is a government program designed to help Ontario students pay for post-secondary education. Over the next two years new updates to OSAP will make it easier for students to apply for assistance and pay for tuition.

Key updates for 2017-18:

  • Eligible students whose parents earn $50,000 or less in annual income will receive enough OSAP grants to cover average tuition.
  • Four out of five students with family incomes below $90,000 per year will get non-repayable grants that equal or exceed the average cost of tuition.
  • No eligible student will receive less aid than they are eligible for now under the 30% Off Ontario Tuition grant.

More updates will come into effect for the 2018-19 academic year.

To find out more about these updates–including key definitions, eligibility, deadlines and loan and grant amounts–visit: Ontario.ca/osap

Key resources
