No experience, no problem

Student Success Story

Key Facts

  • Name: James, 17
  • Goal: Secure a summer job
  • Challenge: Student with no work experience
  • Support offered: YJC Summer program
  • Key workshops: Resume & Cover Letters, Workplace Communication

Key Figures

  • 20 hours paid pre-employment training
  • 15 job-readiness workshops completed
  • 8-week summer job placement
  • 2 months from intake to hire

“The workshops and job placement support really helped me get started on the right foot.”
– James, YJC Summer Participant


When James started working with us, he was completing grade 11 and trying to find a summer job. The biggest barrier to James’ success was that he had never had a job before and had no work experience to put on his resume.

James came to us after hearing about our services at school. He was enrolled in our free Youth Job Connection (YJC) Summer program and, as part of the program, participated in workshops which showed him how to highlight the right details on his resume and prepare for the realities of the workplace.

After a successful interview with Canadian Linen, which was sourced and coordinated on behalf of James by our Business Development Unit, James was hired for a summer position as a general labourer. The team supported James through every step of the job search process – from identifying interesting opportunities, to preparing for the interview and his first day on the job!

James is currently completing grade 12 and hopes to return to Canadian Linen next summer.

For more information on how we can help you with your job search, contact us today.
