Virtually every company today uses a handful of standard computer programs to manage day-to-day operations. From clerical work to accounting to graphic design, using industry-standard computer programs are a reality of many jobs.
If you are applying for jobs that require the use of standard computer programs, your ability to use these programs efficiently and accurately could be critical to getting hired.
In order to better evaluate candidates during the hiring process, many employers, hiring managers and recruiters use a program called IBM Kenexa.
Having an opportunity to take the IBM Kenexa tests relevant to your field in advance can help test your skills and see where you may need some added practice before going through the hiring process.
For more information on IBM Kenexa or to get access to the software, contact us today .
What is IBM Kenexa?
IBM Kenexa is software that lets employers test a job candidate’s ability with standard tasks. It gives employers a clear way to measure how well a candidate can complete basic tasks that that are important to the role they are interviewing for.
How does IBM Kenexa work?
IBM Kenexa has tests designed for common programs used for the day-to-day operations of businesses like Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel. It has role-specific tests for accounting programs like ACCPAC and design programs like AutoCAD and Adobe Photoshop. IBM Kenexa also offers non-skill-based assessments in fields like, behavioural, health care, and legal.
These tests are standardized–which allows for more meaningful comparisons. But they are also customizable–so they can be adjusted to fit the specific requirements of a specific job.
When a candidate takes a test, their activity is tracked. Based on predefined success criteria like the amount of time taken or the number of errors, candidates are given a score. This score can be used to judge how well a candidate knows the program or tasks they are being tested on.
Why do employers use IBM Kenexa?
Companies require people in all kinds of roles. The same company may need to hire an accountant and a graphic designer, for example. It is unlikely that a hiring manager will be an expert in both of those fields. IBM Kenexa allows hiring managers to test candidates for specific knowledge without having to be subject matter experts.
IBM Kenexa assigns a clear number that employers can use to compare candidates. For example, if one candidate scores a 60% and another scores a 95% on the same test, an employer can use this as a clear indication of who is better suited to the task.
How can IBM Kenexa improve your job search?
If you’re at the stage of your job search where you are interviewing, you may have to take one of these tests. Getting as high a score as possible could mean the difference between getting hired or having to continue your job search.
Knowing about testing software like this and how the results could be used may give you a slight advantage over other candidates. But if you want to get an even greater edge on the competition, you can take practice tests that will prepare you for the types of tests you may face in a real-world scenario.
We offer free IBM Kenexa access to all VPI program participants. You can access test that will show you exactly how you may be tested during the interviewing process. You will receive instant results that you can use to try to improve.