Goal: Start a career working with underprivileged youth
Challenge: New to Canada
Support offered: YJC program
“VPI has been pivotal in supporting me to find my passion and gain the skills and experience to be successful”
– Jackson, former job seeker
Jackson was new to Canada and looking for work. As a young person who had experienced barriers to career success himself, his long-term career goal was to work with underprivileged youth. But with no Canadian work experience and limited credentials he needed help.
Through VPI, Jackson enrolled in the Youth Job Connection (YJC) Program. YJC is a government-funded program designed to help youth aged 15-29 develop the skills they need to be successful in the workplace. YJC participants complete 60 hours of paid pre-employment training and workshops followed by a job placement.
Jackson was motivated by the program. He completed his training and with the support of his Job Placement Specialist, he began making connections with local organizations and applying for jobs.
Jackson’s career goals and experience were a great fit for a job opening at VPI supporting the youth program he took part in. He joined the VPI team and quickly became a valuable team member. 18 months later, Jackson is now working as Supervisor on our Youth Employment team.
If you need help with your job search, we can help. Contact us today.