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Featured Workshop: Workplace Communication

posted in: Job Seekers | 0

Good Communication is a life skill that comes in handy whether you are at home or in the workplace. Good Communication is not just about speaking or writing, but it is also the art of listening well, understanding what you hear or see and successfully interpreting social cues. Being able to effectively communicate can prevent a lot of workplace misunderstandings, accidents and conflicts.

This workshop is available one of two ways

  1. Facilitated group workshops at any of our 11 branches
  2. Self-led learning through our online Learning Center

For more information or to register for an upcoming Workplace Communication workshop, contact us today.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for anyone interested in improving their communication skills.

What you will learn?

Through this workshop, you will develop your active listening skills, and you will learn the value of having excellent communication skills in the workplace.

Key Topics includes:

  • Active and inactive listening
  • Tone control
  • Respecting differences in the workplace
  • Assertiveness and confidence
  • Communicating with authority figures

What can you expect?

  • Activities and exercises focusing on developing your communication skills
  • Hands-on experience with leadership and teamwork
  • Develop useful skills for getting along in the workplace

Benefits of participating:

  • You’ll get along better with those around you
  • You’ll handle conflicts more gracefully
  • You’ll stick up for your own needs and your own situation without disrespecting others
  • People feel more confident in your abilities and in your methods

When you’ve completed this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Apply Active Listening to every conversation
  • Recognize the two types of Inactive Listening
  • Explain the importance of being aware and controlling one’s vocabulary
  • Respect cultural, religious and personal differences in the workplace
  • Demonstrate the behaviors of a reliable employee

Attend a Workplace Communication workshop in your area. Contact us todayy!
