When it comes to writing your resume, there’s no substitute for one-on-one help. If you’re looking for help, you can register for a free Resume and Cover Letters workshop or contact us about one-on-one resume support.
But if you can’t attend a workshop or just want a quick reference guide, here are 20 online resources that we find useful that might be able to help you as you’re working on your resume:
Samples and examples
1. Archive of resume samples – A collection of all types of resumes for different industries jobs from job search site monster.ca.
2. Resume writing guide with examples – An in-depth resume writing reference and guide from Ontario Public Service that includes examples of resumes and cover letters.
Tips and Tools
3. The three things that employers want to see in your resume – Three basic tips to make sure you’re making the best impression possible with your resume. From job search site workopolis.com.
4. The best (and worst) words to have on your resume – A list of phrases that employers do or don’t want to see on resumes, based on an employer survey from careerbuilder.com.
5. 185 powerful verbs that will make your resume awesome – A list of action words that you can use to help create variety and urgency in your resume. From themuse.com.
6. A checklist for the perfect resume – A checklist and infographic to make sure you haven’t left anything off of your resume. From the undercoverrecruiter.com.
Things to avoid
7. Nine things to avoid when writing a resume – A look at some of the common mistakes in resumes and how you can avoid them. From Canadian Living.
8. Five resume blunders you should avoid – Descriptions of five mistakes you might make in your resume and what you can do instead. From job search site monster.ca.
9. Three resume formatting mistakes that can ruin your resume – Don’t forget to pay attention to how your resume looks. This list from livecareer.com give you some practical tips on how you can avoid some of the most common formatting errors that job seekers make.
Statistics and fun facts
10. How long do recruiters spend reading your CV? – Statistics and an infographic about how recruiters interact with resumes. From theundercoverrecruiter.com.
11. 25 fun facts about resumes, interviews & social recruitment – A collection of facts and stats about how resumes are used in the real world from business2community.com.
Style guides
12. The Canadian Style: A guide to writing and editing – A comprehensive Canadian style guide for writing. This guide is interactive and searchable. It also goes deep into detail and may be difficult to navigate for those who are not already familiar with the language. From Public Works and Government Services Canada.
13. Are your writing skills up to snuff? – Basic language and grammar rules for writing your resume. From resumewritingacademy.com
14. Purdue Online Writing Lab Grammar – Another grammar guide that focuses more on style and consistency.
Help for newcomers
15. How to write a resume in English – A guide for writing a resume if English is not your first language. Includes easy-to-follow steps and multiple brief videos with basic examples and helpful tips. From about.com.
16. How do I create a Canadian-style resume in order to find a job? – Tips and explanations for immigrants to Canada about how to write a resume and what Canadian employers expect in a resume. Includes downloadable examples. From settlement.org.
17. What do I include in my Canadian resume? What do I exclude? – A list of things to include on a Canadian resume as well as a list of things that may be common on international resumes that should not be included on Canadian resumes. From settlement.org.
Help for youth
18. Services for youth writing a résumé – Tips and instructions on writing a resume for youth. Includes downloadable examples. From the Government of Canada’s Services for Youth.
19. Example of a functional resume – When you have limited work experience, a functional resume is a great way of highlighting some of your strengths rather than your experience. This is an example of a functional resume. From the Government of Canada’s Services for Youth.
20. How to write a resume for a teenager with no job experience – Instructions and tips on writing a resume for someone with limited or no experience. From chron.com.
One-on-one resume support
If you need help with your resume, we offer free one-on-one support. To access any of our resume writing services, contact us today.