Update on NGO Youth Employment Opportunities Project

posted in: Job Seekers | 0

In the summer of 2019 VPI participated in a collaborative project with the Federal Government, First Work and other Employment Ontario Service Providers.

The goal of the project was to help youth between the ages of 18-29 find employment within the Federal Government. Youth who were successful in the process would be offered a position with a 1-year contract.

Program participants attended an information session in which they met with representatives from different sectors of government and learned about various job opportunities.
The information session was followed by an interview day. Leading up to it, the VPI team helped participants get ready to present themselves to their prospective employers with interview prep tutorials.

The program resulted in multiple participants receiving job contracts. One year after the program, here are some key outcomes:

  • 8 VPI clients were hired by organizations including IRCC, and Parks Canada and have received 1-year extensions on their job contracts.
  • 1 VPI client has also received a promotion.
  • 1 VPI client has received a permanent position.

We are thrilled for the participants and their success. A continuation of this program in the future is currently being explored.

For more information on our youth employment programs, contact us today.
