Meaningful Employment and Work Experience for Youth

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Employer Success Story

Employer:Canadian Youth Basketball League
Goal:Fill multiple positions and provide employment for youth
Challenge: Sufficient staffing to run programs throughout the GTA
Focus of support: Financial support, youth employment skills
Outcomes: Secured funding through youth employment programs
Hired over 50 youth throughout Greater Toronto Area

“The Youth were given an opportunity to learn employment skills with an agency who supported their individual growth.”

– Sophia, Canadian Youth Basketball League


Canadian Youth Basketball League (CYBL) is a not-for-profit organization that offers amateur basketball development opportunities for youth. CYBL strives to support student- athletes in Canada to develop skills beyond the basketball court.

As a non-profit, CYBL was faced with the challenge of hiring enough staff to keep their programs and tournaments running seamlessly. They also wanted to provide paid work opportunities for youth who participated in their programs and expressed an interest in working for the organization. Although the youth had the passion and drive, many lacked work experience and the necessary job skills.


Over the course of two years, CYBL worked closely with VPI’s student services team to have youth with limited experience participate in job-readiness workshops and training. And with funding support through the Youth Job Link and Youth Job Connection programs, CYBL was able to provide meaningful employment and work experience to many young people in their area of interest. In turn, CYBL received the extra help they needed to run their initiatives successfully across the GTA.

For more information on how we can help you with your hiring needs, contact us today.

Read the whole story


Canadian Youth Basketball League (CYBL) is a not-for-profit organization that offers amateur basketball development opportunities for youth. CYBL strives to support student- athletes in Canada to develop skills beyond the basketball court.

As a non-profit, CYBL was faced with the challenge of hiring enough staff to keep their programs and tournaments running seamlessly. They also wanted to provide paid work opportunities for youth who participated in their programs and expressed an interest in working for the organization. Although the youth had the passion and drive, many lacked work experience and the necessary job skills.


Over the course of two years, CYBL worked closely with VPI’s student services team to have youth with limited experience participate in job-readiness workshops and training. And with funding support through the Youth Job Link and Youth Job Connection programs, CYBL was able to provide meaningful employment and work experience to many young people in their area of interest. In turn, CYBL received the extra help they needed to run their initiatives successfully across the GTA.

For more information on how we can help you with your hiring needs, contact us today.
